What day is it?

I feel I have to keep telling myself, “Today is Tuesday, today is Tuesday.”

Over and over again

Today is Tuesday.

I guess it’s a natural response to travel.

If you are a regular reader, then you know I was recently in the States for a wedding.  The wedding was beautiful and it was great to see some wonderful friends I don’t get to see often enough.  I had some great conversations about life, relationships (or lack thereof, as the case may be), and saving the world–you can’t spend anytime with Ashley F. without talking strategy.  I know some truly amazing people.

However, exhaustion tends to put a damper on most things, and travel can be truly exhausting.  I almost feel like I need to send out apologies to some of the friends I was with and spoke to, especially on Saturday and Sunday.  I was, admittedly, in a sour mood.  I told them as much, but somehow it just doesn’t quite feel like enough.  So, if you were with me on Sat or Sun, I’m sorry, and I’m thankful that you have seen enough good days to have grace for the few bad ones.

It would be really easy to write about all the bad things that happened on this trip.  Actually, it’s really hard to not bring them up.  So, I am going to just say them once without going into the unnecessary details so that I can focus on the necessary details of all the good things that happened.  I’m acknowledging the bad, but focusing on the good.

So, the bad:

  • I stepped on a fire ant nest
  • Flights were delayed
  • Normal wedding stress
  • A few other things I can’t go into for the sake of those involved
  • I had a dream about the plane crash landing

When I list it out without going into all the details, it really doesn’t seem like much.  It just felt like a lot in the moment.  It reminds me how easy it is to blow things out of proportion, especially when you are tired.  Although, I am still tempted to send out a message to all my friends to tell them they are not allowed to have any major life events until after November 19.

The Good:

  • I got to spend time with Annie.  It has been months since we were together, and we really hadn’t talked very much during the last few months because of scheduling, etc.  It’s always great to be with her.
  • I’m not deathly allergic to fire ants, and this song exists
  • I got to spend time with Ashley.  I don’t even remember the last time we were physically in the same place, let alone in the same place for more than one day.  Because we are both so busy, it’s rare to get to have QT, and the time I do get never quite seems like enough.  However, the time always comes when it’s needed, and I definitely needed some Ashley time.
  • I got to spend time with Sabrina.  I might see her more often than Ashley, but not by much.  And, she was such a huge help and support getting this wedding done!  Seriously!  She stepped up and did things she didn’t have to do, like fold and hole punch 150 programs.  It needed to get done, and, instead of waiting til someone could help her, she just did it so it would be out of the way.  I also rode with her to Atlanta, and we rocked out in the car, and she gracefully obliged my crazy by letting us have our potty break at a mcdonalds so I could use the free wifi.
  • I got to see Anna and Katherine.  I didn’t get nearly enough time with them, but it’s always good to see them.  AND, because of my post about gross Romanian Oreos, she brought me a package of good ol’ American Oreos to take back with me.  How awesome is that?  I had planned on eating them slowly to make them last…but I don’t know if that’s going to happen.
  • I got to see Eric, though he is one of the people I may need to send extra apologies to (even though he has already told me I don’t need to apologize).
  • I got a massage!!!  It was glorious, and a reminder of why I need a well paying job…
  • I got to eat Chikfila and Planet Bombay
  • I got to talk to Lakeiya, Jen, and my parents on the phone.  It’s always great hearing their voices.  Even though we skype, there’s something nice about being able to be able to just call them up randomly and not have to schedule.
  • On the flight from Charlotte to Munich (flight 2 of 3 and the longest), I didn’t have anyone sitting next to me, and so I was able to spread out between two seats.  I also slept the best I’ve ever slept on a flight.  All it took was being completely exhausted and one glass of wine.

See, the list of good things is much, much longer than the list of bad things.


  1. I’m glad that you got to make it to the wedding and that your travels to and from were not *too* exhausting. I came across this article last night and thought of you (and some other lovely ladies from our LG, actually): http://www.boundlessline.org/2012/07/engagement-stories-lindsey-brian.html xoxo

    1. Thanks for the article and the encouragement! One of the conversations I had this past weekend was about finding the balance between trusting God and not just locking yourself away in the prayer closet.

  2. Love that story Neena! And now I’ll spend my lunch hour browsing… 🙂 Q – so glad you’re able to pull the good out of a somewhat exhausting trip to the states and back. Sometimes it’s all about the small things (no one sitting next to you on the flight home) 🙂

    1. Yes, sometimes the small things tip the scale…the question is always which side are the small things actually on.

  3. May the good keep outweighing!

  4. Glad that you got to send quality time with people you love and enjoy (and who love and enjoy you). Also, I kinda enjoy hearing your voice too.

  5. Really glad you were able to see friendly faces, eat your favorite foods and take some back with you. It’s pretty awesome that we start to realize how quality matters, especially time. We get so little of it and we learn to appreciate it. 🙂

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